Masterpflichtseminar MVSem
'Extrasolar Planets'

PD Dr. Sabine Reffert


Summer Term 2019
Time: Fridays, 9:15 - 10:45 a.m.
Location: R070, Philosophenweg 12
First Meeting: April 26, 2019

Registration Required! Please sign up either via email or via the Übungsgruppenverwaltungssystem prior to the first meeting.

Seminar Plan

  • Apr 26, 2019: Introduction, Literature, Assignment of Topics and Dates

  • 6 Credit Points, for regular attendance, oral presentation and written report
  • Grades are given for talk (50%) and written report (50%)
  • Written reports are due tbd.



  1. Kepler 1658: A Massive Planet around a Massive Subgiant
    Chontos et al. 2019
  2. The Role of Stellar Multiplicity in Massive Planet Formation
    Fontanive et al. 2019
  3. The Period Distribution of Exoplanets and Stellar Obliquity
    Millholland & Laughlin 2019
  4. Planet Occurrence Rates around the Snow Line
    Fernandes et al. 2019
  5. Planet Occurrence Rates as a Function of Stellar Metallicity
    Narang et al. 2019
  6. Exomoons around Directly Imaged Exoplanets
    Vanderburg et al. 2018
  7. Formation of Hot Jupiters: In-situ Formation, Disk Migration or High-Eccentricity Tidal Migration?
    Dawson & Johnson 2018
  8. Density Profiles of Exoplanet: Detectable with Precise Transit Observations?
    Kellermann, Becker & Redmer 2018
  9. Scalings of Super-Earth Properties with Stellar Mass
    Wu 2019
  10. Habitable Planets and Signs of Life
    Kaltenegger 2017
  11. Earth-Like Planets during the Post-Main Sequence
    Kozakis & Kaltenegger 2019

Tips for Talks

  • pre-requiste: read and understand the material very well; if necessary, read additional background material
  • think about the key points which you want to deliver, and how to best convey them
  • basic elements: introduction (okay to briefly go back to the very basics), main part of the talk explaining the key points, and the conclusions, summing everything up and discussing it
  • presentation style: big fonts, high contrast, no typos or grammatical errors
  • plots: clear axis labels, description of symbols, reference
  • not too many slides (rule of thumb: 1.5-2 minutes per slide), total time roughly half an hour
  • grades will be given for
    1. presentation content and structure (logical)
    2. slides
    3. style of presentation
    and in particular how well everything together achieves the goal of conveying the important information

Tips for Reports

  • pre-requisite: read and understand the material very well; if necessary, read additional background material. For the report especially it helps to know a little bit more background than just what you write about
  • most important: the way the report is written. Everything should be logically connected, making it easy for readers to follow your train of thought.
  • at the end, in a concluding section, you should place the current results into context, so that one can assess their significance
  • crucial: level of detail - not too much and not too little
  • correct use of scientific terms
  • explain figures in caption and text
  • check for grammar and spelling errors
  • reference list at the end; in the text, references should appear e.g. as 'Ortiz et al. 2015'
  • rule of thumb: ten pages of text
  • electronic versions okay; please email pdf
  • please stick to the deadline!


Useful Links


Questions? email Sabine Reffert at
