

Dioptric Camera


Basic Data

ManufacturerFisba Optik (CH)
DateMarch 1998
Beam Diameter136 mm
Focal Length 410 mm
Free Aperture155 mm
Effective F/# 3.0
Field Diameter68.7 mm, 9.6 degree
Axial Color Correction350-900 nm
Lateral Color Correctionnone
Transmission 370-900 nm >85%


The optical layout and the final system data (based on the glass melt data and the FISBA radii) are shown here: [Camera Layout]

    Surf     Type       Radius    Thickness        Glass     Diameter       
     OBJ STANDARD     Infinity     Infinity                         0       
     STO STANDARD     Infinity         -100                       136       
       2 STANDARD     -230.664          -25         CAF2          160       
       3 STANDARD       633.82           -1                       160       
       4 STANDARD     -1766.22           -8       F_PSK3          158       
       5 STANDARD      -130.03          -30       F_FK54          153       
       6 STANDARD      1613.65          -10                       153       
       7 STANDARD        319.4          -15        F_BK7          153       
       8 STANDARD       803.69       -331.7                       153       
       9 STANDARD     -197.967          -25        F_FK5          141       
      10 STANDARD      1000.54    -133.9801                       141       
      11 STANDARD       135.01           -2     F_LAK16A           74       
      12 STANDARD     Infinity          -10       SILICA           74       
      13 TOROIDAL     Infinity         -4.5       VACUUM           74       
     IMA STANDARD     Infinity            0                        69.9       


The total transmission was computed from the measured transmission curves of the coatings from Balzers AG (LIE) and the SCHOTT catalogue transmission values for the glasses. The transmission of the FK54 batch was measured directly.

[Camera Transmission]

Spot Diagrams

The on-axis spot diagrams have been measured in the UBVRI filter, i.e., over the whole wavelength range of FEROS. A 12.5 micron diaphragm was used in combination with the FORS standard resolution collimator. Since this collimator corrects for the coma in the cassegrain focus of the VLT, no measurements in the field could be carried out so far.
For the spot diagram measurements a field lens with a plane parallel plate was used instead of the field lens with the cylinder lens to be used in FEROS.

[Camera Spot Diagram]




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Last modified: Fri Jan 26 12:18:12 MET 2001