

F/N Conversion System

System #1

Basic Data

ManufacturerSill Optics(D)
DateJuly 1997
Wavefront (collimated) < lambda/2 p-V, < lambda/12 rms
Efficiency 94% average (350-900nm)

Wavefront aberrations

The interferogram (recollimated, double pass) gives a wavefront aberation less lambda/2 p-V and lambda/12 @ 633 nm. The system improves for finite magnification for which it is designed. The optically active region is indicated by the inner circle.

[FN1 Interferogram]

System #2

Basic Data

ManufacturerSill Optics(D)
DateJuly 1997
Wavefront (collimated) < lambda/2 p-V, < lambda/12 rms
Efficiency 94% average

Wavefront aberrations

The interferogram (recollimated, double pass) gives a wavefront aberation less lambda/2 p-V and lambda/12 @ 633 nm. The system improves for finite magnification for which it is designed. The optically active region is indicated by the inner circle.

[FN1 Interferogram]


The AR coatings used by Tafelmaier (D) are a single-layer MgF2 coating for the FK54 and multilayer coatings for all other surfaces. The multilayer coatings are optimized to compensate for the run of the MgF2 which results in a very smooth total transmission with a slight enhancement towards the blue.
The total efficiency curve below is computed for both systems from the measured AR coating curves and the catalogue glass data. The average transmission from 350-900 nm is 94%.

[FN Efficiency]




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Last modified: Fri Jan 26 12:20:32 MET 2001