About me

I’m a postdoctoral researcher at the Landessternwarte, Heidelberg University. I'm an astrophysicist with speciality blazars and relativistic jets. I study these objects from all angles: theory, modeling, and very-high-energy γ-ray analysis. I am a member of the H.E.S.S. Collaboration and the CTAO Consortium. As part of the theory and modeling efforts, I have developed two kinetic hadro-leptonic radiation codes.



I have developed a fast, parallelized time-dependent hadro-leptonic one-zone radiation code: the OneHaLe Code. It is a flexible code that allows the user to vary any free parameter as they like. It can be distributed upon reasonable request, but it shall become available on a code repository soon.


The ExHaLe-jet code is similar to OneHaLe. It is also a hadro-leptonic radiation code, but for extended jets. Unfortunately, it is still in a broader development phase, which is why it is not yet ready for public distribution.