The Galactic Archaeology group
The Galactic Archaeology Group at Landessternwarte Heidelberg is concerned
with the search for the most metal-poor and hence oldest stars of the
Galaxy, and the determination of their chemical abundance patterns.
These stars are important tools for studying, e.g., the formation and
chemical evolution of the Galaxy, the properties (e.g., mass, rotation) of
the first generation of massive stars which exploded as type II supernovae
and nucleosynthesis processes that occurred in them. For a review of
the field see
Beers & Christlieb (2005, ARA&A 43, 531)
We are involved in the following survey projects:
- The Hamburg/ESO objective-prism survey (HES)
The search for metal-poor stars in the HES is lead by Norbert
Christlieb. The current record holders for the most heavy-element
deficient stars known, HE
1327-2326 and HE
0107-5240 were both found in the HES. This project is now completed.
- A spectroscopic wide-angle survey for metal-poor stars in the
northern hemisphere using the Chinese 4m LAMOST
survey telescope. P.I.'s are Gang
Zhao and Norbert Christlieb.
- A metal-poor star survey to be conducted with the 4MOST multi-object spectrograph at the VISTA telescope.
High-resolution spectroscopy of confirmed metal-poor stars is obtained with
Keck I (
Subaru (
Magellan (
We use
MARCS model atmospheres
calculated in Uppsala and 3D hydrodynmical model atmospheres calculated by
us for the determination of the abundance patterns of the stars. We compare
these patterns with nucleosynthesis calculations done in our group and in
collaboration with colleagues in Mainz and elsewhere.
Members of the group
Hans Ludwig |
Barbara Wright |
Theodora Xylakis-Dornbusch |
Senior postdoc |
Admininstrative Assistant |
PhD student (SFB 881) |
Stellar atmospheres |
Metal-poor stars |
Please see