
FEROS Picture Gallery

FEROS at the ESO 1.52-m telescope

FEROS in the FEROS room at La Silla

[CCD Dewar and Controller]
View of the CCD continuous flow dewar and the CCD controller

[LN2 tank]
The 120l LN2 tank outside the FEROS room supplies the continuous flow dewar

[FCU telescope unit] [FCU telescope unit] [FCU control]
The FEROS Calibration unit (lest) on the telescope (center) and the Control Electronics (right)

[Fiber head]
The new fiber head just before mounting to the slit unit. Note the two fiber apertures, one illuminated by a laser from the spectrograph side

[Slit Unit]
The new slit unit with the B&C longslit and the carriage for the FEROS fiberhead.

[ESO 1.52 m Telescope] [ESO 1.52 m Telescope]
The new calibration and slit unit mounted at the B&C at the ESO 1.52-m telescope.

FEROS inside


[Main Collimator] [Transfer Collimator] The Main (left) and the Transfer (right) Collimators

Flat Folding Mirror

[Flat Mirror] The Flat Mirror

Echelle Grating

[Echelle Grating] [Echelle Grating] [LN2] Echelle Grating

Crossdisperser Prism

[Xdisp Prism] Crossdisperser Prism


[Camera] The Focussing Unit of the FEROS Camera

Image Slicer

[IS Model] Photography of the 15:1 Image Slicer Model

[IS Model Output] Output of two-beam two-slice Image Slicer 15:1 Model


Image Analysis

[Image Analysis] Image Analysis of the FEROS complete System

Simulation of Raw Spectra

[Simulated Flat] 3200K Flatfield spectrum through object & sky fiber

[Simulated ThAr] Thorium-Argon-Neon spectrum through object & sky fiber

[Simulated PCyg] [Observed PCyg]
Simulated raw (left) and reduced (right) spectrum of P Cygni, a hot luminous emission-line star

Continuous flow dewar

[ESO Cryostat] The FEROS continuous flow dewar provided by ESO will hold the 2kx4k CCD.




If you have any comments on the FEROS project, please send me a mail .

FEROS homepage / A.Kaufer@lsw.uni-heidelberg.de
Last modified: Fri Jan 26 10:31:34 MET 2001