FORS Data Reduction Software

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Thomas Szeifert; Landessternwarte; Königstuhl; 69117 Heidelberg


New Midas contexts have been developed by Thomas Szeifert, Otmar Stahl, Sabine Möhler and Anton Malina (FEROS) to reduce data obtained with FORS or similar instruments in the following observation modes:

Additionally QUICK-LOOK software including graphical user interfaces is provided for observers of FORS:


automatic data reduction for FORS in Echelle mode


Currently the manuals of contexts MOS, SPOL, IPOL and the QUICK look software are available in an updated version. All manuals are written in LaTeX, but on this page only the g-zipped postscript files are provided.

A special release as a stand alone package


You can download the software packages from this page. The software is provided in four tar files.

File 1 includes packages MOS, SPOL, IPOL and QUICK and the common library FORS. It has to be unpacked at the midas stdred directory. The files will be in $MID_HOME/$MID_VERSION/stdred/fors/, $MID_HOME/$MID_VERSION/stdred/mos-lsw/, ... On directory $MID_HOME/$MID_VERSION/stdred/ you will find an install routine setup_fors, which you can edit to be conform to your operating system.

File 2 contains test data for the Midas contexts. These files should be unpacked in directory: $MID_HOME/demo/data

To run the graphical user interface (File 3) you have to install the xforms libraries first, if you don't operate with Linux or HP-UX. It is available on most Linux distribution and for other UNIX-OS from the WWW pages cited below. If you operate your computer with Linux or HP-UX the libforms.a libraries are included to the package on ~/xqu/lib and will be linked automatically. The Xquick GUI is specially designed for FORS but with some modifications of the sources the panels can be modified for other instruments. The tar file can be unpacked on the home directory (e.g. on ~/. ) The sources will be in ~/xqu/src and must be compiled first: see last sections of the QUICK-manual

File 4 will contain some raw images taken with FORS as soon as these images are released.

the xforms libraries can be found in the Estados Unidos (edu) or in Berlin (de)
