University of Heidelberg

11th Symposium on Nuclei in the Cosmos
Heidelberg, 19-23 July 2010

General information

Accompanying persons program
A description of things to do in and around Heidelberg is available here.

Child care
The University of Heidelberg has a range of child care facilities, therefore do not hesitate to bring your children to Heidelberg. Please contact the conference organizers for more information, and for making arrangements.

The regular registration fee is 390 Euro. It includes the welcome reception on Sunday evening, the coffee breaks and lunches from Monday to Friday, two poster dinners, the conference dinner including transport from/to restaurant Molkenkur, the excursion on Wednesday afternoon, and free internet access in the Stadthalle from Sunday to Friday. After 11 June 2010, the registration fee is 450 Euro.

The reduced registration fee for students is 250 Euro; after 11 June 2010, it will be 300 Euro.

There is a cancellation fee of 25 Euro for cancellations before 11 June 2010. Cancellations of late registrations are not possible.

Financial support
The deadline for submission of applications for financial support was 21 March 2010. Since this deadline has passed a long time ago, you can not apply for financial support anymore–not only due to administrative reasons, but also because we have already distributed all of our support budget to the successful applicants. That is, there are no remaining funds for financial support. All applicants have been notified about the decisions of the committee. We will not respond to any e-mails in which financial support is requested.

WLAN will be available for free at the conference venue, and for a charge in most hotels.

Poster exhibition
The poster exhibition rooms are located in the upper floor of the Stadthalle. Maps and signs will guide you to the poster wall(s) reserved for your poster(s). You can mount your poster from Sunday 15:00. Please make use of this opportunity to avoid crowding on Monday morning.

Poster viewing dinners are scheduled for the evenings of Tuesday and Thursday. That is, a light buffet dinner and some beverages will be served from 19:00, and the Stadthalle will be open until 22:00 to give you an opportunity to view the posters and have discussions with the author(s).

The size of the poster walls is 2.30m x 0.95m (height x width). However, it is obviously not advisable to make use of the full height, because this would mean that your colleagues would have to crawl on the floor to read your poster. Hence we recommend that you print out your poster on DIN-A0 paper (height = 1189mm, width = 841mm).

We will provide you with 4 (four) and ONLY 4 (four) adhesive strips for each poster to be mounted. For this and other reasons, please do not print out your poster on multiple A4 sheets.

The LOC will award prizes for the best posters. The 1st prize will be 500 Euro, the 2nd prize 300 Euro, and the 3rd prize 100 Euro. The prize money will be given in cash to the first authors during a short ceremony on Friday afternoon.

Contact: Email
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